Restorative Dentistry – Fort Mill, SC

Giving Damaged Teeth Their Strength Back

Dentist examining smile after restorative dentistry

Teeth are incredibly strong; they have to be to withstand the forces required to chew your food. Unfortunately, their strength comes at the cost of being unable to repair themselves. Without treatment, a decayed or broken tooth will only get worse. At Southlake Family Dentistry, Dr. Priya Chougule provides personalized solutions for restorative dentistry in Fort Mill, SC designed to restore damaged teeth back to full function. If you’re interested in how we can heal your smile, call us today to schedule your consultation!

Why Choose Southlake Family Dentistry for Restorative Dentistry?

  • Digital Dental Impressions Without Messy Putty
  • High-Quality Materials from the Best Dental Labs
  • Sedation Dentistry Options Available to Soothe Nerves

Tooth-Colored Fillings 

Animated smile with tooth colored fillings

To repair tooth structure that has been destroyed by decay, Dr. Chougule can place fillings made from composite resin instead of dark metal fillings that were the standard for many decades. The resin contains no metal and is biocompatible, which means it directly bonds to your enamel and doesn’t require us to remove as much healthy tooth structure to place it. We can also shade the filling to match your enamel, ensuring that no one who looks at your smile will be able to spot the restoration.

Dental Crowns

Dentist holding a dental crown prior to placement

The crown of a tooth is the part you see above the gums. When a tooth has sustained serious decay or breakage, the best solution is often to cover it with a dental crown – a “cap” that fits over the entire structure and protects it from additional damage. Dental crowns can be made from many materials, including gold and metal alloys, but at Southlake Family Dentistry, we prefer metal-free crowns made from porcelain, zirconia, or EMAX. These materials are just as durable as metal while being much more natural-looking.

Learn About Dental Crowns

Root Canal Therapy

Model tooth demonstrating root canal therapy

When a cavity or infection has irreparably damaged the pulp in a tooth’s center, the only way to avoid the need to extract it is to perform root canal therapy. After numbing your mouth, Dr. Chougule removes the diseased tissue and places a dental crown over the tooth, preserving what healthy structure she can while eliminating the infection. Contrary to what you may have heard, modern dental technology has made the root canal procedure extremely comfortable.

Learn About Root Canal Therapy