The Best (and Worst) Fruits for Good Dental Health

June 1, 2018

Filed under: Blog,Dental Health,General — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 12:12 am

Fruit: It’s healthy, and that means it’s good for your teeth, right? While this is true in most cases, there are a few exceptions. Since summer is a great time to enjoy a variety of fruit, read on for some information about choosing the best (and worst) fruits when it comes to your dental health.


You’ve heard the adage, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and you might not realize that enjoying these crunchy fruits can also keep the dentist away (not that you’d want to, of course!). The act of chewing apples creates friction around the teeth and gums that physically scrubs plaque and food debris off of these surfaces. If you can’t brush your teeth after lunch, crunching on a few slices of a crisp apple can help stave off the bacteria that causes cavities. Naturally, you will want to brush when you are able to.


High in vitamin C, strawberries are little powerhouses in the vitamin and health department. They also contain a bit of acid which can neutralize the bacteria hanging out in your mouth. In addition, they are similar to apples in that they create a scrubbing action as you chew them. Strawberries can be eaten whole or sliced up in a fruit salad. One caveat: If you have small pits in your teeth, the tiny seeds can get caught, so be sure to brush and floss well to remove them.

Raisins (and Other Dried Fruit)

Dried fruit is on the list of the worst fruits to eat for good dental health. Why? It’s sticky and contains concentrated sugars without any extra liquid to help wash it off of your teeth. Eating raisins, dried apricots, and dried dates can actually make your teeth less healthy! While it’s fine to eat these foods, it’s very important to brush well afterward to remove traces of the sweet snacks from your teeth so as not to attract the bacteria that causes dental cavities.

With summer right around the corner, fruit makes a great dessert and snack. You can also add it to any meal for a nutritional boost. Just be sure that you choose wisely when it comes to your dental health.

Keep Your Teeth Healthy This Summer

May 15, 2018

Filed under: Blog,Dental Health — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 11:41 pm

Summer is here, and you might be looking forward to all of the delights that come with the hottest months of the year. Whether or not they have children, many people slow down a bit in the summer so they can take in all that the season has to offer. It’s important to stay on top of your health, though, and that includes your dental health. Read on for tips on how to keep your teeth healthy this summer.

Don’t Skip Routine Dental Visits

If your last dental visit was before the new year, then you’re going to need to come in this summer to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy and to have a professional cleaning. Check your calendar and book the appointment soon; between children being out of school (and in their various dental and doctors’ offices!) and people traveling, scheduling can get a bit tight if you wait too long.

Brush and Floss After Enjoying Sticky Sweets

Ice cream, popsicles, and amusement park foods like kettle corn and cotton candy are a quintessential part of many summers. Unfortunately, they can cause tooth decay if you don’t have good oral hygiene. Go ahead and indulge in moderation, but be sure to brush and floss before bed, even if you’re tired from having spent the whole day in the sun.

Protect Your Teeth If You’re Playing Sports

If summer is your season to shine on the ball field or the tennis courts, consider wearing a mouthguard to keep your teeth safe. Children who play sports should absolutely wear mouthguards, but adults are not exempt from painful (and expensive) injuries if they don’t protect their teeth. Get one made by your dentist if you play a lot of sports or go to the pharmacy and pick up a boil-and-bite one for occasional contact sports.

If you have questions about keeping your smile safe and healthy this summer, don’t hesitate to give us a call!