Questions You’ve Been Wanting to Ask Your Dentist

September 20, 2021

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 12:48 pm

Do you ever feel like you have a million questions to ask of your dentist but can’t think of them on the spot? This post is for you! We get these questions frequently here at Southlake Family Dentistry and want our patients to have the answers. So, here are the top questions you’ve probably been wanting to ask your dentist. 


How Your Diet Impacts Your Dental Health

August 16, 2021

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 8:54 am

Your diet plays a huge role in your overall health, specifically your organ functions and weight stabilization. But did you know what you eat heavily affects your dental health too? Foods that are good for, say, your digestion system, aren’t always good for your teeth. Let’s dive into all of the hard facts surrounding your diet and your dental health. 


5 Signs You Need a New Toothbrush

May 17, 2021

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 1:05 pm

Your dentist has been telling you that brushing your teeth twice a day is important for your oral health. But if your toothbrush isn’t in good shape, your healthy brushing habits might not be benefiting you as much as you think. Your dentist likely gives you a new toothbrush every time you visit the office (which should be twice a year). But you actually need to replace your toothbrush more often than that. Here are some signs that it might be time to throw out your toothbrush and replace it with a new one.

1. The bristles are worn down, broken, or falling out.

Frayed or bent bristles aren’t doing a good job of cleaning your teeth. If you notice the bristles of your toothbrush are declining, or they’re just in bad shape, it’s time for a new toothbrush.

2. Your toothbrush bristles touched someone else’s or fell on the floor.

This one is self-explanatory. The germs that your toothbrush could pick up from the floor or another person’s toothbrush could make you sick. It’s best to replace it if it’s been contaminated by other germs.

3. You stored your toothbrush in a container.

The air-tight toothbrush containers that many people use for traveling are the perfect place for bacteria to breed. If you’ve been storing your toothbrush in a container for a prolonged period of time, throw it out. 

4. You’ve been sick. 

Being sick is no fun, and using the same toothbrush after being ill will not help the cause. If you’ve had a virus such as the flu or a cold recently, replace your germy toothbrush with a new one. 

5. You’re halfway to your next cleaning.

If none of the above things occur before three months have passed, then it’s time! We recommend replacing your toothbrush every three months to get the full effects of brushing. If you use an electric toothbrush be sure you are replacing the toothbrush head on the same schedule.

Keeping your teeth clean and healthy starts with proper brushing. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with an ADA-approved toothpaste. Also, be mindful of the places your toothbrush has been and what it has touched. Contact our office to make an appointment for your next cleaning.

5 Tips for Teaching Kids Good Dental Habits

April 19, 2021

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 3:07 pm

Is getting your child to brush their teeth a daily chore? Teaching them good dental habits early isn’t always easy, but it’s an important lesson that will impact their health for the rest of their life. You might have a hard time getting your child(ren) to brush and floss every day, and that’s normal! Encourage proper techniques and habits, leading by example. There are, however, some techniques you can pick up to try and make it more fun.

  1. Start Early

We recommend you start taking your child to the dentist by the time they turn one – or six months after their first tooth comes in. As soon as your child’s first tooth sprouts, it is accessible to plaque, which can lead to cavities and other dental complications. Ask your dentist about the proper steps for caring for your baby’s first teeth.

This is also a good time to get advice on your child’s incorrect oral habits such as thumb/finger sucking and pacifier use. Follow up with your dentist as often as every six months. They will be able to assist you in making an oral care schedule for your child.

  1. Get Them Involved

Letting children make their own choices about their toothbrushes and toothpaste will help spark their interest in dental care so it will seem like more of a fun activity than a chore. If a princess toothbrush makes taking care of their teeth more fun, go for it! Just make sure whatever they choose is approved by the FDA and ADA. 

  1. Offer Incentives 

Let’s face it, as parents, a little bribe here and there will work. Start small – offer extra playtime or a treat over the weekend. We don’t recommend big rewards every day because this can lead to unmet expectations and ruin your progress. Small rewards over a longer period of time will allow for “weaning” off this technique, at the same time encouraging good oral care.

  1. Educate

Teach your children all about dental care and the consequences of not following proper cleaning techniques. Be sure that they understand why we take care of our teeth and how they help us every day. And make sure older siblings are on board too! 

  1. Make it a routine

Children respond well to patterns and routines. Be sure to incorporate good dental care into their morning, afternoon, and evening routine. Keep an eye on them during these times to ensure they are using proper techniques and ask your dentist if you have any questions about how to improve their daily routines.

If you have any additional questions about your children’s oral health, contact us!

Special Dental Concerns for Millennials

June 15, 2018

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , , — southlakedental @ 6:36 pm

You might be surprised to learn that the generation known as the Millennials tends to have poor oral health. Why? There are several reasons: Their busy lifestyles don’t accommodate dental appointments. They have the advantage of good health overall, so they don’t have any pressing needs when it comes to their oral health. And, possibly one of the most important, the types of jobs many Millennials have don’t offer dental benefits. If you are a Millennial, check out this guide to keeping your smile healthy.

Reduce Your Stress Levels

It’s easier said than done, but if you have a lot of stress in your life, as many Millennials do, it makes sense to take steps to reduce it. Stress can cause teeth-grinding, which can lead to enamel erosion, TMJ problems, headaches, cracked fillings, broken teeth, and even loose teeth. If you grind your teeth, you might experience mouth, jaw, and head pain, particularly in the mornings, along with molar sensitivity when you eat. A nightguard can help stave off symptoms while you get your stress under control.

Observe Excellent Oral Hygiene

You might operate under the theory of, “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it,” but this is a mistake when you’re dealing with your teeth. Things can go from perfectly fine to quite painful (and expensive) in a relatively short period of time. Don’t ignore your oral health: brush twice daily and floss before bed. Also, make an appointment with your dental hygienist if it’s been longer than 6 months since your last visit. Finally, if you notice anything amiss (loose tooth, bleeding gums, uneven filling, mild pain, etc.), make an appointment to be seen by your dentist.

Spruce Up Your Smile

If you hesitate to flash everyone a toothy grin because you aren’t quite happy with how your smile looks, take action now to improve your appearance and boost your self-esteem. Ask your dentist whether teeth whitening, dental veneers, or braces might be worth considering. Invest in your smile and then make sure you do your best to help it last a life time with good oral hygiene and regular dental visits!

The Best (and Worst) Fruits for Good Dental Health

June 1, 2018

Filed under: Blog,Dental Health,General — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 12:12 am

Fruit: It’s healthy, and that means it’s good for your teeth, right? While this is true in most cases, there are a few exceptions. Since summer is a great time to enjoy a variety of fruit, read on for some information about choosing the best (and worst) fruits when it comes to your dental health.


You’ve heard the adage, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and you might not realize that enjoying these crunchy fruits can also keep the dentist away (not that you’d want to, of course!). The act of chewing apples creates friction around the teeth and gums that physically scrubs plaque and food debris off of these surfaces. If you can’t brush your teeth after lunch, crunching on a few slices of a crisp apple can help stave off the bacteria that causes cavities. Naturally, you will want to brush when you are able to.


High in vitamin C, strawberries are little powerhouses in the vitamin and health department. They also contain a bit of acid which can neutralize the bacteria hanging out in your mouth. In addition, they are similar to apples in that they create a scrubbing action as you chew them. Strawberries can be eaten whole or sliced up in a fruit salad. One caveat: If you have small pits in your teeth, the tiny seeds can get caught, so be sure to brush and floss well to remove them.

Raisins (and Other Dried Fruit)

Dried fruit is on the list of the worst fruits to eat for good dental health. Why? It’s sticky and contains concentrated sugars without any extra liquid to help wash it off of your teeth. Eating raisins, dried apricots, and dried dates can actually make your teeth less healthy! While it’s fine to eat these foods, it’s very important to brush well afterward to remove traces of the sweet snacks from your teeth so as not to attract the bacteria that causes dental cavities.

With summer right around the corner, fruit makes a great dessert and snack. You can also add it to any meal for a nutritional boost. Just be sure that you choose wisely when it comes to your dental health.

Keep Your Teeth Healthy This Summer

May 15, 2018

Filed under: Blog,Dental Health — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 11:41 pm

Summer is here, and you might be looking forward to all of the delights that come with the hottest months of the year. Whether or not they have children, many people slow down a bit in the summer so they can take in all that the season has to offer. It’s important to stay on top of your health, though, and that includes your dental health. Read on for tips on how to keep your teeth healthy this summer.

Don’t Skip Routine Dental Visits

If your last dental visit was before the new year, then you’re going to need to come in this summer to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy and to have a professional cleaning. Check your calendar and book the appointment soon; between children being out of school (and in their various dental and doctors’ offices!) and people traveling, scheduling can get a bit tight if you wait too long.

Brush and Floss After Enjoying Sticky Sweets

Ice cream, popsicles, and amusement park foods like kettle corn and cotton candy are a quintessential part of many summers. Unfortunately, they can cause tooth decay if you don’t have good oral hygiene. Go ahead and indulge in moderation, but be sure to brush and floss before bed, even if you’re tired from having spent the whole day in the sun.

Protect Your Teeth If You’re Playing Sports

If summer is your season to shine on the ball field or the tennis courts, consider wearing a mouthguard to keep your teeth safe. Children who play sports should absolutely wear mouthguards, but adults are not exempt from painful (and expensive) injuries if they don’t protect their teeth. Get one made by your dentist if you play a lot of sports or go to the pharmacy and pick up a boil-and-bite one for occasional contact sports.

If you have questions about keeping your smile safe and healthy this summer, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

2018 New Year’s Resolutions

December 28, 2017

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , , , — southlakedental @ 5:57 pm

Do you have a list of new year’s resolutions that you’d like to make? Over half of Americans make resolutions on any given year, and the majority have to do with health and fitness. If you are struggling to decide on a new year’s resolution, check out these three good habits that can positively impact your dental health.

Resolution #1: Floss Daily

You already know you should be flossing each day. If you don’t, your dentist or hygienist surely reminds you during each cleaning. And if you are experiencing any swelling, tenderness, or bleeding of your gums, you likely have gingivitis, which is the earliest stage of periodontal disease. Why not make it your new year’s resolution to get into the habit of flossing every day?

You can do this by connecting your flossing to something else that you’re already doing. If you are currently finding it hard to remember to floss, then connecting it to brushing your teeth (which you’re presumably doing before bed) isn’t working. How about promising yourself that you’ll floss immediately after dinner? (This can also stop you from eating dessert later.) Or floss while watching television or before you allow yourself to surf social media each evening.

Resolution #2: Watch Your Diet

Are you addicted to sugar? Many Americans are, and many of them don’t even know it. If you find yourself craving sweets every day or if you wake up wanting to eat something sweet for breakfast, chances are great that you have a bit of a sugar addiction. Breaking the addiction is a matter of cutting back and getting through a difficult day or two of intense cravings. Once you get over that hump, though, you’ll find that sugar isn’t on your mind nearly as much.

When you cut down on sugar and other processed carbs, you’ll find that you have more energy and you might even lose weight. Another benefit is that you’ll be less likely to develop dental cavities. Without sugar sitting on your teeth, bacteria in your mouth will be less active an won’t multiply as quickly.

Resolution #3: Stop Smoking

Smoking negatively affects most of your body, and your mouth and teeth are no exceptions. It’s a difficult habit to give up, but when you do, you’ll notice drastic health differences. You’ll be cutting your risk of heart attack, lung diseases, and certain cancers within a matter of days or weeks. You’ll also enjoy better oral health. Your dentist or doctor can give you some tips on how to quit smoking.

Whatever your new year’s resolutions, we wish you success! Best wishes for a happy and healthy new year.

Dentures vs. Implants: What’s the Right Choice for You?

October 1, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Dental Health,General — Tags: , , , — southlakedental @ 2:23 pm

If you’ve had several teeth removed or you’re facing an upcoming extraction, you need to think about how you will replace the teeth. Two of the most common options are dentures and implants. How do you know which is better for you? Only your dentist knows your specific circumstances, but here are some considerations to keep in mind.


One of your primary concerns might be cost. If you have many teeth that need to be replaced, than dentures will cost substantially less than implants. You should talk to your dental office’s financial administrator to find out what the cost difference will be. Also, find out whether your dental insurance will cover any of it. There might be payment plans to consider, too. Get all of the details before you make a decision based solely on the price.


Once your implants heal, all you need to do is treat them like natural teeth. They stay in your mouth permanently and just need to be brushed and flossed. With dentures, you’ll need to take them out each evening to clean them. You also might need to avoid certain foods that are difficult to eat with dentures.

Ease of Use

Dental implants function like natural teeth. You can speak, whistle, chew, bite, and do everything you do with the teeth you’ve had your whole life to this point. Dentures have a bit of a learning curve. They can slip a bit and you might have a hard time whistling or biting into certain foods. Some of this will be overcome as you get used to them.

Your Dentist’s Recommendation

If you don’t have a lot of bone available, dental implants might not be an option for you. Also, there might be reasons why dentures won’t be your best option. Because your dentist knows your specific anatomy and challenges, he or she can best advise you on which type of tooth replacement is appropriate for you.

Keep in mind that some people choose to have one or more implants placed to give full dentures something to snap onto. This is a great way to maximize the benefits of both types of appliances. You can enjoy better stability of the dentures while minimizing the cost of the dental implants.

If you need your teeth replaced and aren’t sure what to do, please call us today to schedule an appointment.

Worst Foods for Dental Health

September 1, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Dental Health — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 4:18 pm

You might already know what foods to eat for stronger teeth. Some examples are apples, strawberries, cheese, and foods high in calcium. While you might know that eating too much sugar is bad for teeth, you might not know other worst foods for dental health. Read on to find out which foods are the worst for your teeth.

Dried Fruit

Fruit is good for you, but if it’s dried, it can wreak havoc on your teeth. Dried fruit tends to be chewy and sticky. It’s also full of concentrated sugar. Chewing on raisins or sticky fruit leather can leave pieces of sticky, sugary fruit on your teeth. This gives bacteria something to feast on while they contribute to gum inflammation and tooth decay. If you do choose to eat dried fruit, be sure to brush very well afterward.

Potato Chips

Potato chips are exactly the type of starchy treat bacteria love. The starch tends to stick to and get in between your teeth, where it can cause tooth decay and gum inflammation. Keep in mind that starch turns to sugar, so avoid eating a lot of potato chips, white bread, and pasta for healthier teeth.

Unpopped Popcorn Kernels

You’ve probably had the experience of biting down on a handful of popcorn and crunching down on an unpopped kernel. This is painful and it can also cause damage to your teeth. Eat popcorn cautiously to avoid cracking a tooth or breaking a filling on kernels. Other foods that you should avoid biting down on include peppercorns, ice, and hard candies.

In general, if you stick to a diet of lean proteins, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, you should be able to improve your overall health as well as your dental health. If you have questions about what types of foods are best for your teeth, ask your hygienist the next time you are in for a cleaning.

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