Southlake Family Dentistry Blog

5 Signs You Need a New Toothbrush

May 17, 2021

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 1:05 pm

Your dentist has been telling you that brushing your teeth twice a day is important for your oral health. But if your toothbrush isn’t in good shape, your healthy brushing habits might not be benefiting you as much as you think. Your dentist likely gives you a new toothbrush every time you visit the office (which should be twice a year). But you actually need to replace your toothbrush more often than that. Here are some signs that it might be time to throw out your toothbrush and replace it with a new one.

1. The bristles are worn down, broken, or falling out.

Frayed or bent bristles aren’t doing a good job of cleaning your teeth. If you notice the bristles of your toothbrush are declining, or they’re just in bad shape, it’s time for a new toothbrush.

2. Your toothbrush bristles touched someone else’s or fell on the floor.

This one is self-explanatory. The germs that your toothbrush could pick up from the floor or another person’s toothbrush could make you sick. It’s best to replace it if it’s been contaminated by other germs.

3. You stored your toothbrush in a container.

The air-tight toothbrush containers that many people use for traveling are the perfect place for bacteria to breed. If you’ve been storing your toothbrush in a container for a prolonged period of time, throw it out. 

4. You’ve been sick. 

Being sick is no fun, and using the same toothbrush after being ill will not help the cause. If you’ve had a virus such as the flu or a cold recently, replace your germy toothbrush with a new one. 

5. You’re halfway to your next cleaning.

If none of the above things occur before three months have passed, then it’s time! We recommend replacing your toothbrush every three months to get the full effects of brushing. If you use an electric toothbrush be sure you are replacing the toothbrush head on the same schedule.

Keeping your teeth clean and healthy starts with proper brushing. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with an ADA-approved toothpaste. Also, be mindful of the places your toothbrush has been and what it has touched. Contact our office to make an appointment for your next cleaning.

5 Tips for Teaching Kids Good Dental Habits

April 19, 2021

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 3:07 pm

Is getting your child to brush their teeth a daily chore? Teaching them good dental habits early isn’t always easy, but it’s an important lesson that will impact their health for the rest of their life. You might have a hard time getting your child(ren) to brush and floss every day, and that’s normal! Encourage proper techniques and habits, leading by example. There are, however, some techniques you can pick up to try and make it more fun.

  1. Start Early

We recommend you start taking your child to the dentist by the time they turn one – or six months after their first tooth comes in. As soon as your child’s first tooth sprouts, it is accessible to plaque, which can lead to cavities and other dental complications. Ask your dentist about the proper steps for caring for your baby’s first teeth.

This is also a good time to get advice on your child’s incorrect oral habits such as thumb/finger sucking and pacifier use. Follow up with your dentist as often as every six months. They will be able to assist you in making an oral care schedule for your child.

  1. Get Them Involved

Letting children make their own choices about their toothbrushes and toothpaste will help spark their interest in dental care so it will seem like more of a fun activity than a chore. If a princess toothbrush makes taking care of their teeth more fun, go for it! Just make sure whatever they choose is approved by the FDA and ADA. 

  1. Offer Incentives 

Let’s face it, as parents, a little bribe here and there will work. Start small – offer extra playtime or a treat over the weekend. We don’t recommend big rewards every day because this can lead to unmet expectations and ruin your progress. Small rewards over a longer period of time will allow for “weaning” off this technique, at the same time encouraging good oral care.

  1. Educate

Teach your children all about dental care and the consequences of not following proper cleaning techniques. Be sure that they understand why we take care of our teeth and how they help us every day. And make sure older siblings are on board too! 

  1. Make it a routine

Children respond well to patterns and routines. Be sure to incorporate good dental care into their morning, afternoon, and evening routine. Keep an eye on them during these times to ensure they are using proper techniques and ask your dentist if you have any questions about how to improve their daily routines.

If you have any additional questions about your children’s oral health, contact us!

Bad Breath: What Causes it and How Can I Fix It?

March 19, 2021

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 4:14 pm

If you have ever worried about having bad breath, this post is for you. Also known as halitosis, bad breath is extremely common in adults – in fact, 1 in 4 adults experience it. Before you start to worry, halitosis is a little more chronic than just morning breath. The real concern is if your halitosis is chronic and doesn’t resolve after brushing, flossing, and using a mouth rinse. 

What Causes Bad Breath? 

The number one culprit is the bacteria that live in our mouths. Tiny microbes feed on food particles and dead cells. The unpleasant odor comes from the sulfur compounds that are left behind by the microbes. This probably isn’t something you want to think about, but it is important to know what’s causing bad breath in order to deal with it.

How to Check if You Have Bad Breath  

You can always ask a trusted friend or family member, but that might not be the route that you’re comfortable taking. If you’d prefer to perform this task solo, keep reading.  

The oldest trick in the book: hover your hand over your mouth and exhale. Quickly smell the lingering odor in your hand and you be the judge of how it smells. You can also smell your floss after its use, or use a cotton swab to dab at your tongue. There are plenty of simple methods that can work here! 

Preventing Bad Breath 

Proper Oral Health. Of course, our number one tip is preventive care – brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Make sure to keep your tongue clean as well. You can do this by using a tongue scraper or if you don’t have one, use a toothbrush or a spoon.

Don’t Rely on Mouthwash. Mouthwash only masks bad breath for the short term, and can actually make halitosis worse in the long run. Most over-the-counter mouthwashes contain alcohol. When used, the alcohol will dry out your mouth tissue, causing less saliva production, in turn making your halitosis worse.

Proper Diet. Even when following proper dental hygiene habits, you may still experience bad breath. The culprit here is likely your diet. Here are some foods to stay away from and others that actually help to prevent halitosis from occurring: 

  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol

For fresher breath, try incorporating foods like: 

  • Sugarless gum
  • Yogurt
  • Water
  • Herbs and spices (including parsley, cloves, anise, and fennel seeds)

If you’re still struggling with chronic halitosis after trying these methods, contact the Southlake Family Dentistry team. We are here to help with all of your oral health needs!

From Start to Finish: Your Regular Dental Cleaning

February 15, 2021

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 10:03 am

We’ve all had a dental cleaning done before (and if not, you’re way overdue to see a dentist) but do you really know what they’re doing while you’re in that chair? There are several components and steps that go into a dental cleaning, and we’re breaking down the entire process from start to finish.

Before we dive in, it’s important to be aware that it is totally normal if your dentist probably doesn’t actually perform your dental cleaning. This is where our amazing dental hygienists shine! Our hygienists are trained specifically to perform cleanings and are great at what they do.

1. Dental Exam

Your dental cleaning will begin with an exam of your entire mouth and all of your teeth. This is the part when your dental hygienist uses a tiny mirror to examine your teeth and gums. What he or she is really doing is looking for signs of gingivitis. If your teeth and gums look healthy, your hygienist will proceed to the next step. If your gums are inflamed or swollen, they may call in your dentist for a second look. 

2. Plaque and Tartar Removal 

Next, comes the removal of plaque and tartar. This is an essential step of a dental cleaning and leaves your teeth feeling squeaky clean. Again, your hygienist will use the same mirror and a scalar to rid the gum line of plaque and tartar. The scalar makes a scraping sound as it is used to scrape away all the bad stuff and can cause a bit of soreness if you have a lot of plaque and tartar on your teeth. However, this step should be a breeze if you brush and floss twice daily!

3. Clean and Polish

During this step your hygienist uses a gritty toothpaste, sometimes mint or bubble gum flavored, and a special electric toothbrush to polish the surfaces of your teeth. But don’t let the sound of the brush frighten you, this part is painless ( it might even tickle a little). Keep in mind that this kind of cleaning is safe to do once or twice a year but is too harsh to be done more often than that and should only be done by professionals in a dental office. 

4. Floss

The fourth step to a thorough dental cleaning is flossing. Dental hygienists are expert flossers and will be sure to remove anything that might have been missed during the plaque and tartar removal step. If you notice that your gums bleed during this step, it’s likely a sign that you should start flossing more often at home. 

5. Rinse 

This is the final step of your cleaning. Your hygienist will give your mouth a thorough rinse to rid of any toothpaste or debris leaving your mouth feeling extra clean and fresh.

Now that you know the steps of a dental cleaning, we hope you feel prepared for your next visit. Missed your last cleaning? You can easily set up an appointment on our website

5 Habits that Hurt Your Teeth

January 19, 2021

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 11:06 am

Here at Southlake Family Dentistry, we want all of our patients to have the healthiest and strongest teeth possible. However, there are several bad habits we often see that can hurt your teeth. Many of these habits can lead to tooth damage, cavities, and staining. While we’ve seen a multitude of practices that harm your teeth, here are the top five. 

  1. Smoking

Smoking is terrible for almost every function of your body, including your teeth and mouth. Not only does tobacco stain the teeth, causing yellowing, but several health risks have to do with your mouth. For starters, smoking can lead to severe gum disease, bad breath, increased loss of bone in the jaw, and an increased risk of oral cancer. If you haven’t quit smoking, we highly suggest quitting to reduce your risk of developing any of these dreadful conditions. 

  1. Drinking Coffee 

Drinking coffee seems like a necessity to some, especially to our working individuals. But you might not be aware that it isn’t good for your teeth. The most obvious reason is that it causes staining. The drink is dark in color, and if you drink coffee every day, your teeth are probably a bit more stained than non-coffee drinkers. Coffee also sticks to your tongue, causing bad breath or halitosis. But don’t worry, there are alternatives! Try drinking green tea or eating a large and nutritious breakfast instead. And if you must have coffee, just brush your teeth afterward. 

  1. Eating Chewy or Hard Candy 

Most foods with high sugar content are not going to be good for your teeth. But if you’re going to stay away from one thing, it should be chewy or hard candies. Harmful bacterias feed off of the sugars and turn into an acid, which erodes your teeth. This process eventually leads to cavities, which can be annoying and painful. You can avoid this by staying away from hard or chewy candy, and if you decide to eat some, brush and floss right after. 

  1. Nail-Biting 

Almost every person has bitten their nails at some point in their lives. But nail-biting is a more problematic habit to break for some. The routine can wear at the enamel of your teeth, eventually leading to cracking, chipping, and weakness. If you or your child struggles with nail-biting, The American Academy of Dermatology Association provides a list of ways to break the habit. Save your teeth and break the habit as soon as possible! 

  1. Eating Ice

This last bad habit isn’t too obvious but can still cause damage. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, but that does not mean it’s invincible. Chewing ice can damage your enamel, even causing cracks or chips in your teeth. Avoid this risk and just wait for the ice to melt.

Don’t let your teeth suffer damage from any of these bad habits. Contact Southlake Family Dentistry for any questions regarding your teeth, or visit our website to schedule an appointment. 

5 Habits that Hurt Your Teeth

January 15, 2021

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 2:25 pm

Here at Southlake Family Dentistry, we want all of our patients to have the healthiest and strongest teeth possible. However, there are several bad habits we often see that can hurt your teeth. Many of these habits can lead to tooth damage, cavities, and staining. While we’ve seen a multitude of practices that harm your teeth, here are the top five. 

  1. Smoking 

Smoking is terrible for almost every function of your body, including your teeth and mouth. Not only does tobacco stain the teeth, causing yellowing, but several health risks have to do with your mouth. For starters, smoking can lead to severe gum disease, bad breath, increased loss of bone in the jaw, and an increased risk of oral cancer. If you haven’t quit smoking, we highly suggest quitting to reduce your risk of developing any of these dreadful conditions.

  1. Drinking Coffee 

Drinking coffee seems like a necessity to some, especially to our working individuals. But you might not be aware that it isn’t good for your teeth. The most obvious reason is that it causes staining. The drink is dark in color, and if you drink coffee every day, your teeth are probably a bit more stained than non-coffee drinkers. Coffee also sticks to your tongue, causing bad breath or halitosis. But don’t worry, there are alternatives! Try drinking green tea or eating a large and nutritious breakfast instead. And if you must have coffee, just brush your teeth afterward. 

  1. Eating Chewy or Hard Candy 

Most foods with high sugar content are not going to be good for your teeth. But if you’re going to stay away from one thing, it should be chewy or hard candies. Harmful bacterias feed off of the sugars and turn into an acid, which erodes your teeth. This process eventually leads to cavities, which can be annoying and painful. You can avoid this by staying away from hard or chewy candy, and if you decide to eat some, brush and floss right after. 

  1. Nail-Biting 

Almost every person has bitten their nails at some point in their lives. But nail-biting is a more problematic habit to break for some. The routine can wear at the enamel of your teeth, eventually leading to cracking, chipping, and weakness. If you or your child struggles with nail-biting, The American Academy of Dermatology Association provides a list of ways to break the habit. Save your teeth and break the habit as soon as possible! 

  1. Eating Ice

This last bad habit isn’t too obvious but can still cause damage. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, but that does not mean it’s invincible. Chewing ice can damage your enamel, even causing cracks or chips in your teeth. Avoid this risk and just wait for the ice to melt.

Don’t let your teeth suffer damage from any of these bad habits. Contact Southlake Family Dentistry for any questions regarding your teeth, or visit our website to schedule an appointment. 

Common Sleep Breathing Disorders and How to Treat Them

December 16, 2020

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 11:36 am

If you or your partner have a sleep-breathing disorder, you probably aren’t getting the right amount of sleep each night. This could lead to more complications that can affect your overall health. Sleep breathing disorders are quite common. Roughly 40% of the adult US population suffers from some form of sleep breathing disorder. Whether you deal with mild snoring or sleep apnea, any disorder that affects your sleep isn’t easy. We are here to help!

The good news is that your dentist may have a solution. Many of our sleep and breathing disorders are caused by mouth issues; be sure to ask the Southlake dental team about the following:   


Snoring is the most common sleep breathing disorder. According to Johns Hopkins, 45% of adults snore occasionally, and 25% snore regularly. Snoring is caused by obstructed breathing and is a harsh, sometimes loud sound that comes from the nose or mouth. It can be a nuisance to your partner causing him/her to lose sleep and can affect your concentration levels and daytime sleepiness.

Risk Factors 

There are several things that can cause a person to snore, but here are the most common. 

  • Mouth/ Sinus anatomy 
  • Alcohol consumption 
  • Allergies 
  • Minor Cold 
  • Weight

And of course, if you combine two or more of these factors, your snoring will be more significant and likely a bigger problem to both your health and relationship.  


If you experience snoring, here are some of the top treatment methods recommended before trying anything more complicated.

  • Losing weight 
  • Avoiding alcohol consumption close to bedtime 
  • Nasal congestion treatment such as Flonase
  • Getting enough sleep on a regular basis 
  • Avoiding sleeping on your back 

If you have tried the recommendations listed above and you are still experiencing difficulties, talk to your dentist about oral appliance therapy. Custom fit oral-sleep appliances are comfortable and fit like a retainer and can improve your snoring tremendously. 

If these measures do not improve your snoring, your doctor might suggest special oral appliances, a CPAP machine to wear while sleeping, or, in more severe cases, upper airway surgery.

Sleep Apnea 

Sleep apnea has more potential danger than snoring and is something to be taken very seriously. Sleep Apnea is a disorder that causes breathing to start and stop while asleep. It’s more common in men, and age and weight are two of the greatest risk factors. 


While the muscles in your throat are relaxed, your airway closes up too tightly to receive enough oxygen, briefly waking you up. You likely won’t remember this, and it is common to snort, gasp, or choke when this happens. This can happen up to 30 times per night. People that suffer from sleep apnea are unable to get a good night’s rest.

Risk Factors 

Sleep Apnea has many of the same risk factors as snoring. Here are some of the most common. 

  • Excess weight 
  • Neck circumference 
  • A narrowed airway 
  • Sex-men are twice as likely 
  • Age- seen more frequently in older adults 
  • Use of alcohol or sedatives
  • Smoking 
  • Family history 


In mild cases of Sleep Apnea, there are simple answers for treatment such as losing weight or quitting smoking. However, for more severe cases, or cases that don’t improve after these measures, there are other forms of treatment. Sleeping with a CPAP machine, oral appliances, and supplemental oxygen are some of the first things your doctor will recommend for severe cases of Sleep Apnea. 

Some cases of Sleep Apnea can be treated with oral appliance therapy, similar to snoring. Talk to your dentist about trying this non-invasive, comfortable treatment option.

If you experience either of these sleep breathing disorders, speak to your doctor and dentist. Contact the Southlake team for any questions about sleep breathing disorders. 

Things to Look for in a New Dentist

November 16, 2020

Filed under: Blog,General — Tags: , — southlakedental @ 9:52 am

Has the time come for you to look for a new dentist? This can happen for a variety of reasons. You might move to a new city or town, or you might start working in a city that is far away from your current dentist. Your old dentist might have retired or moved offices, or maybe you just weren’t happy there. Another possibility is that you have not been seeing a dentist regularly, and now you’ve decided it’s time to do so. Of course, your first concern is that you find a dentist that you like and who can meet your needs. If you’re not sure how to start narrowing down the pool, here are some other considerations when looking for a new dentist.


It seems obvious, but the location is one of the more important considerations to keep in mind when looking for a new dentist. It isn’t necessarily just as simple as finding someone in town, though. Think about traffic during the time of day that you’re likely to make appointments (particularly if you’re trying to see the dentist before or after work, which might be during rush hour), as well as the office’s convenience to both work and home.

Now, this is not to say that an excellent dentist is not worth going out of your way! There are times when you might choose a dentist who is out of town or inconveniently located. Consider whether you will want to or can travel farther if you have a severe toothache, if you need to go to the dentist during the middle of your workday, or if you have to go in several times for a procedure that takes more than one visit.

Insurance and Payments

If you have dental insurance, you likely have a list of dentists who are in-network. Depending on your plan, you might pay a bit more if you go out of network, or you might have no coverage at all if you see someone, not on your plan. Only you can decide if you are in the financial position to see whoever you’d like, regardless of whether they participate in your insurance network.

If you don’t have insurance, you’re freer to go wherever you’d like. You might purchase a discount plan with your specific dentist. Payment options are another consideration. If you need to make payment plans, use a dental credit service (like CareCredit), or would like to see someone who will give you a discount for paying cash upfront, these are questions to ask before your first appointment.

Recommendations and Reviews

When trying to find a new dentist, particularly if you’re new to the area, you will need to rely on others’ recommendations. Don’t be afraid to ask your friends and acquaintances who they think is the right dentist in your town. Word-of-mouth is still one of the best ways to find all types of service providers, including a dentist! You can also check on Yelp, Facebook Reviews, Google Reviews, and the like. Some dentists will also have testimonials on their websites (though these will generally only include positive reviews). Do as much filtering of the available dentists in your area without leaving home to save time.

Looking for a new dentist can be stressful, but with these considerations, you can narrow down your options and then make the best decision from there. If you are searching for a new dentist, please feel free to call and schedule a consultation so you can see if our office is a good fit.

How to Maintain Your Teeth Whitening Treatment

October 19, 2020

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , , — southlakedental @ 1:46 pm

Teeth whitening is one of the most requested cosmetic procedures. At Southlake Family Dentistry, we offer a few different options for whitening your teeth. We also like to inform our patients on how to keep a healthy/bright smile after treatment. Maintaining your whitening treatment and adequately caring for your teeth can be just as crucial as the whitening treatment itself.

Did you know changing a few daily habits can help your whitening treatment last longer? Here are a few techniques we recommend to maintain your bright smile. 

Stay Away from Bright or Dark Colored Food and Drinks

While this is a general rule in cosmetic dentistry for avoiding stained teeth, it is even more important to follow after your in-office whitening treatment. Foods such as soy sauce, pasta sauce, balsamic vinegar, and some fruits can stain your teeth and reverse the whitening treatment effects. We also recommend avoiding certain liquids such as coffee, red wine, dark sodas, and black tea for long-lasting whitening results. 

Use a White or Colorless Toothpaste 

Did you know many toothpaste and mouthwash brands on the market contain dyes that can stain your teeth? If you’re considering a whitening treatment we recommend switching from colored mouthwash and toothpaste to white or clear. Additionally, choosing brands that contain a whitening agent can help you maintain a bright smile. 

Daily Oral Hygiene 

If you don’t already have a solid oral hygiene routine, now is the time to adopt one. This routine should include brushing, flossing, and using a colorless mouth rinse twice daily. While this routine is great for your oral health in general, it will help maintain your whitening treatment. At Southlake Family Dentistry we want your teeth to look healthy and be healthy. Maintaining good oral hygiene will help your teeth remain strong and bright. 

Set Up Your Next Treatment 

To achieve the best results from your whitening treatment we recommend that you continue treatment about every six months. Every patient’s needs are different and depending on your oral hygiene habits you may require more or less frequent whitening treatments to achieve your desired look. 

At Southlake Family Dentistry, we want you to feel confident in your smile. If you have noticed discoloration in your teeth and desire a whiter and brighter smile, contact our office to discuss your treatment options. 

4 Cosmetic Dental Procedures to Give You a Straighter or Whiter Smile

September 15, 2020

Filed under: Blog,General — Tags: , , , , — southlakedental @ 1:34 pm

 At our dental office, not only do we care about your overall oral health, but we also care how you feel about your teeth cosmetically. With the holiday season quickly approaching, many individuals consider options to whiten and/or straighten their smile before gatherings and family photos. If you’re interested in enhancing your smile, various dental procedures allow you to safely and effectively achieve the smile you’ve been dreaming of. Here are a few options that we offer at our office: 

1. Whitening – Teeth whitening is one of the most commonly requested dental procedures. Did you know you can safely whiten your teeth at home using custom trays made at our office? In most cases, a visit for whitening tray impressions takes less than 30 minutes. Your custom trays will be made in our onsite dental lab and are available for you to pick up by the following business day. 

Our dentists recommend ways to prevent teeth staining and discoloration, but daily habits such as drinking coffee and tea and the use of tobacco products can contribute to unwanted staining. While some toothpaste, mouthwash, and drugstore products can whiten teeth, the best results come from your dentist. Along with your custom whitening trays, you’ll receive a whitening gel that you place in the trays and wear on your teeth daily for a short period of time to gradually whiten your teeth. 

If you’re interested in a quick whitening tray option, we also carry Opalescence teeth whitening trays at our office. These one-size-fits-all whitening trays are “grab and go” so you can pick one up at your next appointment. 

 Whitening trays have proven to be an effective way to whiten and brighten your smile. Our patients are extremely pleased with the results. Give us a call if you’d like more information or if you’d like to schedule an appointment.

2. Bonding – If you’re interested in restoring a cracked, chipped or discolored tooth, a cosmetic procedure such as tooth bonding can give you the results you want. Bonding is a method that corrects the shape or the shade of your teeth. It can also close small spaces, black triangles in between teeth or increase the size of a tooth to achieve a more symmetrical smile. 

The procedure can often be done without anesthetic and completed in one visit. Our dentists simply apply a tooth-colored composite resin to one or more of your teeth to repair damage. This whitening method is seen as a cost effective solution as it’s less expensive than other cosmetic dental procedures such as crowns and veneers. The best part: the results are instant! 

Bonding is especially great for fixing any imperfections in your teeth and restoring confidence in your smile. 

3. Veneers – Out of all the cosmetic teeth solutions, dental veneers achieve the most aesthetic results. Veneers are a thin porcelain covering that’s placed over your teeth. Many patients choose to have veneers placed on one or more teeth to achieve their desired smiles.  

You can pick out the shade of the synthetic teeth covering, creating a white and bright smile. We can change the shape, length, or size of your teeth using veneers. Veneers are applied to the part of the teeth that shows when talking or smiling. That means we remove less tooth material, and the procedure is generally less uncomfortable than crowns

If you choose to have a veneer placed on a single tooth, the shape of the veneer can be specifically made to fit that one tooth and create a natural look that blends in with surrounding teeth. Veneer placement is generally painless but requires two or more visits. Veneers do not stain and years after they still maintain the same shade and esthetics.  

4. Invisalign – Clear aligners are the most popular way to correct a smile these days — especially adults who do not want a “metal mouth.” 

Many people who formerly wore braces choose Invisalign orthodontic treatment as the discrete solution to correct any relapses. Invisalign treatment is the process of wearing a series of clear, removable aligners/clear trays that gradually straighten your teeth. There are no brackets and wires, and none of the restrictions that come with metal braces.

Even if your teeth are slightly misaligned, it can affect your overall oral health. Crooked teeth are harder to keep clean, which puts you at risk of decay and periodontal disease, and can cause jaw pain. Depending on the complexity of your case, you could complete your treatment in as few as six months. 

Most patients will start seeing results in a matter of weeks. Our doctors will ensure your aligners fit well, answer your questions, and let you know what to expect.

If you have questions about any of these ways to get a straighter or whiter smile, give us a call today.

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